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Administer Group is one of the largest financial management services providers in Finland, with offices in Sweden and Estonia. Trusted by more than 4,000 clients, Administer is a group of 5 companies, 23 offices, and altogether some 650 professionals.
The group decided to support the resilience and well-being of its staff despite the COVID19 situation. To achieve this, Administer deployed the HeiaHeia Pro platform. They also brought in the olympic-level alpine skiers of their partner, SkiSport Finland, as coaches to further energize the program.
One of the group companies had previously used HeiaHeia, so the solution was already familiar. Now the service was deployed to the entire group. The athletes participated in the campaign in a coaching role, and for this, they were provided with access to the Pro features of the platform.
Paula Niemi, who works as HR manager in the group’s HR team, elaborates on their program:
– One of the most important objectives in our wellbeing program was to increase the encouragement and interaction amongst our staff. HeiaHeia was a great tool for this, as it naturally created the network and enabled cheering between our employees. We accumulated more than 50,000 cheers in the first month!
– HeiaHeia has actually become a sort of a social platform for wellbeing. Additionally, HeiaHeia offers personalized support for the wellbeing of the individual, which is always valuable for the employer, Niemi adds.
– In our view, a digitally deployed workplace wellbeing program is a great way to boost team spirit and social contacts, even during the limitations caused by the current epidemic. We’re especially satisfied, because we achieved measurable results with the program. One key benefit of the service is the data that we get on multiple levels – group, team, and individual. For example, physical activity increased onto an excellent level: on average, our personnel exercised 9.5 hours weekly.
– HeiaHeia also encourages a holistic perspective to wellbeing. The most popular wellbeing actions were sufficient hydration, a good night’s sleep, and healthy meals. These are the kind of things that have an impact on the individual’s ability to work.
Comments from the group’s employees confirm that the added community spirit has really supported the daily life during the remote work period, and that the campaign has encouraged to invest in one’s wellbeing in a wide range of ways:
“We managed to create a nice team for the HeiaHeia challenge. Nice to note that those involved in the challenge are so enthusiastic and active. You also get good tips on how to take breaks on a remote workday, and what kind of active breaks you should do during the working day.”
“The exercise challenge is a great way to cheer up this prolonged stretch of remote work and to increase the sense of community. We could have more of fun challenges like this!”
“The exercise challenge was fun, keep them coming. We’ll all be super fit soon 🙂 “
If you’re interested in setting up a digital wellbeing program for your organisation, please visit the HeiaHeia website to learn more about the solution – and contact us!